Capture, manage, control & analyze all of your data in one place.
Approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day with projected increase to 100 quintillion by 2020. It’s now more critical than ever to have a scalable enterprise platform to efficiently and reliably store, transform and analyze your business data. At BICP we know how strategize, architect & implement a scalable NextGen solution with the agility to deliver exactly what you need, when & where you need it.
Organizational data footprints are expanding at break-neck speed. Today we’re talking in terms of Petabytes with Exabyte data volumes looming on the horizon. At BICP we deliver business solutions that enable you to easily scale your landscape as your data increases, paying only for what you need with the ability to access your information when, where and how you need it.

Built specifically for the cloud this leading edge SQL based data warehouse delivers high performance, simplicity, concurrency and affordability. Learn More

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing BI tools. Learn More

Innovative cloud services designed specifically to meet your business data challenges. It offers the freedom to build quickly and scale using your favorite tools and frameworks. Learn More